Entry Level To Ecozip Expert

James' Success Story
I probably have the most entertaining job on the planet, but it’s also very fulfilling.
Interview with James
I feel as though the tourism industry is the perfect fit for me. I am a loud, talkative and friendly person so talking to people from all over to educate them about New Zealand's nature and wildlife is ideal.
The variety I have in this role at Ecozip is great: one day I'll be showing off the entire island where I have grown up; the next day I'll be assisting in maintenance and learning about the equipment more in depth; and then on other days tour guiding and taking tourists down into the forest.
Too hard to choose! Every experience is a chance to show that you are worthy and willing to take on new roles and new responsibilities, with that in mind the only way is up.
My advice is that there is no clear pathway in tourism, in a good way, you create your own path! Don't be afraid to step forward and take charge.