Why You Should Hold A Recruitment Open Day
Why You Should Hold A
Recruitment Open Day
Thinking of holding
a recruitment day or unsure what one is? Read on to find out how you could
Great staff can make a business but they are also one of the biggest
costs to your bottom line. Wages in hospitality can easily account for over 30%
of operating costs and hiring new staff doesn’t come cheap either. Equally,
making the wrong hiring decision can come with its own consequences.
So how can you maximise your chance of making a great hire? Why not
consider holding a recruitment open day!
What are recruitment open days and
why could they matter to my business?
Recruitment open days are a way for you to connect with potential employees
at your business. Unlike a typical interview process, you get to meet multiple
candidates over a longer period and can see how they interact with current
staff from different departments. Recruitment open days can come with a host of
benefits including:
- Ability to showcase your business and
different roles.
- Candidates having the chance to ask better
questions and really get a feel for the working environment.
- Opportunity for employers to simulate tasks to
see how candidates may approach information or problems.
- The chance to observe candidates in a social
setting and see if they could fit in with your company culture.
- Incorporation of the current team into the
process to boost culture, demonstrate expertise and increase candidate
Still unsure if a recruitment open
day is right for me?
- Does my organisation have different
- Does my organisation have room for career
- Is finding staff challenging?
- Does my organisation often recruit or
advertise multiple positions?
If you found yourself saying yes, a recruitment open day could be the
right choice.
How do I run a recruitment open day?
- Involve your whole organisation in the process
or reach out to staff to see who is willing to talk to candidates. Try and
showcase multiple departments such as Marketing, HR and Operations.
- Schedule a date when candidates get to see a
normal workday. Avoid times when you are too busy.
- Ensure they get a proper induction including
health & safety.
- Demonstrate how your organisation operates.
This could be showcasing tools that are used or allowing them to sit in on
a team discussion.
- Create opportunities for feedback and
candidate input.
- Showcase your team culture and what you look
for in employees.