From Guest Services to Penguin Keeper

Kiara's success story:
Tourism is critical to the work that we do in animal care and conservation.
Interview with Kiara
I am a Penguin Keeper at SEA LIFE Kelly Tarlton’s Aquarium and this means that I get to look after the penguins, take care of their environment and make sure that they are happy and healthy.
I had a natural progression to becoming a Penguin Keeper. I studied marine science and biology at university and fell into a guest-facing role at SEA LIFE Kelly Tarlton’s, so I got to share my love and passion for the marine world with all of our amazing guests. One day I got lucky and was able to move into the penguin department.
I actually really enjoyed it. I never thought that public speaking would be something I wanted to do, but I got lots of opportunities to progress my personal skills, communicating with people and getting them as excited and passionate as I am. It was great to combine my scientific passions with tourism and create this awesome ecosystem of knowledge sharing and conservation driving. And while I am a little bit more behind the scenes nowadays, I still relish being able to meet people from all walks of life and sharing the magic of our underwater world with them.
Not only do I love being around adorable, cute penguins all day long, I also enjoy meeting so many different people, from all around the world, that I wouldn’t normally meet any other day in my life.
We got to go up north and release a green sea turtle. It was great to “get out of the office” and do what we’re passionate about and put that experience and knowledge into action. Plus, we got to share that knowledge through outreach programmes at schools - getting tamariki excited about sea turtles and what we do at SEA LIFE Kelly Tarlton’s.
It’s really interesting actually. It’s less stereotypical, so you’re not in a lab or out in the field. Instead, you’re more connected to the people and what they want to see and help protect, conserve and love. It’s a great opportunity to communicate science better – not in scientist lingo. Accuracy is paramount, but it’s done in a really fun way that creates memories.
Tourism is critical to the work that we do in animal care and conservation. We wouldn’t get the funds we need without people coming in and caring about what we do.
Just follow your passions. Your want, drive and passion is going to carry you forward. If you love something and you want something, go out and get and that will bring you the biggest rewards.